

2020-08-15 来源:意榕旅游网


1.pandemic Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population.

2.mumps An acute inflammatory contagious disease caused by a paramyxovirus and characterized by swelling of thesalivary glands.

3.measles An acute contagious viral disease usually occurring in childhood and characterized by eruption of red spots on theskin and fever.

4.hepatitis A disease or condition marked by inflammation of the liver.5.arthritis Inflammation of joints due to infection or constitutional causes.6.stroke A sudden loss of brain function caused bya blockage or rupture of a blood vessel to the brain.

7.bleeding The escape of blood,as from an injured vessel;hemorrhage.

8.platelet Any of the numerous small,round cell fragments found in the blood of mammals that function in the clotting of blood.9.ailment A physical or mental disorder,especiallya mild illness.

10.transfusion The transfer of blood or a component of blood from one person to another to replace losses caused byinjury,surgery,or disease.

11.diagnostic Of,relating to,or used in diagnosis.

12.ancillary Of secondary importance;providing support or help;auxiliary;additional.

13.coronavirus Any of various single-stranded,RNA-containing viruses that cause respiratory infection in humans andresemble a crown when viewed under an electron microscope.

14.immunization A vaccination that induces immunity;the process of inducing immunity to an infectious organism or agent inan individual through vaccination.

15.panorama An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area;a picture or series of pictures representing a continuous scene.16.ancestral Of or belonging to or inherited from an ancestor.17.sperm The male reproductive cell; the male gamete.

18.genome The total amount of genetic information in the chromosomes of an organism, including its genes and DNAsequences.

19.mutation A change in the structure of the genes or chromosomes of an organism20.inaccessible Difficult to understand orappreciate; impossible or very difficult to reach21.heritable Capable of being passed from onegeneration to the next through the genes22.chromosomal Of or relating to a chromosome23.decipher To convert from a code or cipher to plaintext; decode

24.sequence An arrangement of two or more things in

a successive order; the order of nucleotides in anucleic acid or of the amino acids in a protein25.geneticist A biologist who specializes ingenetics

26.disperse To scatter over a wide area

27.recombinant Formed by or showing recombination28.archive A collection of records or documents29.copious Large in quantity; abundant

30.ceaseless Uninterrupted in time and indefinitelylong continuing

31.umbilical cord The flexible cord that attaches anembryo or fetus to the placenta

32.scenario An outline or model of an expected orsupposed sequence of events

33.paralysis Loss or impairment of voluntary

movement or sensation in a part of the body, usually as a result of neurologic injury or disease.34.neuron A cell that is specialized to conduct nerveimpulses

35.quadriplegic Completely paralyzed in both armsand both legs

36.insulin A hormone produced in the pancreas that

regulates the amount of sugar in the blood by stimulating cells to absorb and metabolize glucose37.fertility The state of being fertile; capable ofproducing offspring

38.opponent One that opposes another or others in abattle, contest, controversy, or debate

39.marrow The fatty network of connective tissuethat fills the cavities of bones

40.roadblock Something, such as a situation or

condition, that prevents further progress toward an accomplishment41.regenerate To give new life or energy to;

revitalize; to replace (a lost or damaged organ or part) by formation of new tissue42.infancy The early stage of growth or development43.tremor Shaking or trembling (usually resultingfrom weakness or stress or disease)


44.pancreas A large gland located behind the stomachthat secretes pancreatic juice and insulin

45.embryo An organism in its early stages of development, especially before it has reached a distinctively recognizable form46.transplant To transfer (living tissue or an organ) to another part of the body or to another body47.implant insert (tissue etc.) into a living body

48.dialysis Separation of particles in a liquid by differences in their ability to pass through a membrane into another liquid49.recipient One who receives blood, tissue, or an organ from a donor50.resume To begin again or continue after interruption

http://www.doczj.com/doc/1c36171dff00bed5b9f31df1.html plication Disease or condition aggravating or arising out of aprevious one

52.vessels A duct, canal, or other tube that contains or conveys a body fluid53.chemotherapy Treatment of disease, esp. cancer, by chemical substances54.scar A usually permanent mark on the skin from a wound etc.55.fibrous Of or like fibers

56.decipher To read or interpret (ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter)57.preserve To maintain (a thing) in its existing state

58.leukemia Malignant disease in which the bone marrow etc. produces too many leukocytes59.cataract Eye condition in which the lens becomes progressively opaque60.tendon Cord of strong connective tissue attachinga muscle to a bone etc.⼆、选词填空

1. From the hotel roof tourists can enjoy a _panorama_ of the whole city.2. It was a cold house; the children _snuggle_ up to their mother to get warm.3. She is always ill, always has some little _ailment_ bothering her.

4. At the wedding ceremony, some guests were _sniggering_ at the bride who was rather large and dressed in a tight palepink dress.

5. Older people are advised to _be injected_ against flu in winter.

6. Scientists hope that the _insertion_ of normal genes into the diseased cells will provide a cure.

7. The Centers for Disease Control has recommended an _immumization_ schedule that includes vaccines againstchickenpox, measles and mumps.

8. The elderly woman suffered a _stroke_ which left her unable to speak and move.

9. By closing the infected farms they're hoping to _confine_ the disease to the north of the region 10. Beginning in September1918, an unusually deadly influenza _panademic_ swept across the United States.

11. She spoke in such a confused way that it was almost impossible to _divine_ what she wanted to tell me.

12. Recent research in this field seems to _corroborate_ that the mind-body connection plays some role in a person’ health.13. The British Museum possesses an _unrivaled_ collection of early Egyptian and Greek art.

14. The security guards _dispersed_ the crowd that had gathered around the building.

15. Johnny is so _ingenious_ the can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.16. The company is reconsidering the way in which it _deploys_ its resources.

17. They were city folk and they weren’t accustomed to the _arduous_ work on the farm.18. They were part of a team whose job was to _decipher_ messages in code.

19. The painting depicts a woman staring out over the lake as if lost in _contemplation__.20. Winning first prize was the _culmination_ of years of practice and hard work.

21. Experiments suggest that the sensory cells in the ear's balance organs may be able to _regenerate_ themselves ifconditions are right.

22. Their unfavorable reaction to his research proposal _dismayed_ him.

23. The community _split_____ over the government’s fund for stem cell research.24. She had spent the whole weekend _wrestling___ with the problem.25. Fears are growing that a tax increase may _stall______ economic recovery.26. The negotiations became hopelessly _trangled________ and confused.2

27. Those transnational companies are _aggressively_ pursuing new business opportunities in developing countries.28. A mother _was coaxing__ a reluctant child into taking medicine.29. You're too old', she said. `You're not so young yourself,' he _retorted_.

30. Some economists tend to _disdain_ their colleagues in other social disciplines.

31. He gets a _disability_ pension from the Government because of his injury in a fire accident.32. It is hard to make a proper _clinical_ diagnosis for this rare syndrome.

33. So far, only one person has survived an operation to _implant_ an artificial heart.34. If the woodland is left alone, it will _regenerate_ itself in a few years.

35. The patient's responses are recorded on a _sensitive_ piece of equipment which gives extremely accurate readings.36. She managed to _preserve_ her sense of humor under very trying circumstances.

37. If there are no _complication_, the doctor says that she'll be able to come home within two weeks.38. After the accident, he underwent _reconstructive_ surgery to rebuild his face.39. Her eyes were red and _swollen_ from crying.

40 It was unfortunate that Collins was so seriously injured that he was unable to _resume_ his career.三、短语填空

1. _Looking back on the progress in the past half century_ (回顾过去半个世纪⾥的医学进步), we can now understandmedicine is an evolving and dynamic science.

2. Quite a few people think that the desire for money is _at the bottom of much of the world’s violence _ (世界上许多暴⼒的起因).

3. The fact that many teenagers _are surprisingly ignorant about harmful effects of smoking_ (对吸烟有害作⽤令⼈惊讶地⽆知) is still a cause for concern.

4. No one can function properly if they _are deprived of adequate sleep_ (得不到⾜够的睡眠).

5. The past thirty years _have witnessed enormous changes_ (见证了巨⼤的变化) throughout the country.6. Mike had a chance to _reflect on the events of the past few weeks _ (思考过去⼏周的事件) as he lay in hospital7. It is now known that the illness _is not confined to any group_(不限于任何群体) in society.

8. Operations of this type often _involve the use of highly sophisticated equipment_ (涉及使⽤⾼尖端设备).

9. _For all the repeated assurances that the product is safe _ (尽管反复保证这种产品是安全的), many customers havestopped buying it.

10. I’d like to str ess _stress the importance of thoughtfulness_ (强调周到细致的重要) in preparation for this experiment.11. The job _is great in terms of salary_ (就薪⽔来说是不错的), but it has its disadvantages.

12. Some children are allergic to milk and _products derived from milk_ (来源于⽜奶的产品), such as cheese.

13. The rise in prices all _has to do with the increased cost of oil_ (与⽯油成本上升有关). 14. The practice of giving eggs atEaster _can be traced back to festivals in ancient China_ (可以追溯到古代中国的⼀些节⽇).

15. Apart from the fact that they went to the same school, they _have absolutely nothing in common_ (完全没有任何共同之处).

16. As expected, the operation _turned out to be very successful_ (结果⾮常成功).

17. _Major changes will be brought about _ (将引起重⼤的变⾰) in the China’s healthcare system. 18. Three managers haveleft because of the pressure of work but Simpson _seems to thrive on hard work_ (似乎靠苦⼲成长).

19. The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee _yielded to his judgment_ (服从他的判断).

20. After the car crash, the driver _was taken to the hospital to be patched up_ (被送去医院治伤). 21. _Nurses went back andforth among the wounded_ (护⼠们在伤员中来回⾛动), bringing food and medicine.

22. They are determined to _press ahead with their research project_ (奋⼒推进他们的研究项⽬) despite opposition fromsome medical ethicists.

23. I’m sure that most doctors will _approve of using stem cells_ (赞成使⽤⼲细胞) for medical research.24. The Football Association is likely to _call fora ban on alcohol_ (要求禁酒) at football games.3

25. Those rockets were built at a time when _space technology was still in its infancy_ (空间技术还处于初期).26. The evidence before us _points clearly to the side-effects_ (清楚地表明副作⽤) of the new painkilling drug.27. Recent findings suggest that crime victims _benefit from talking about their experiences_ (受益于谈论他们的经历).28. The town was surrounded by the enemy and the citizens did not know _if they could hang on until help arrived_(他们能否坚持直到援助到来).

29. There are a few things _that need mopping up_ (需要完成) before I can leave.

30. If we can _get around these difficulties _ (避开这些困难), we’ll be able to discuss the really important points.31. _Great strides have been made in_ (已经取得了巨⼤进展) reducing air pollutions in big cities in China.

32. The government has promised to _take over the responsibility_ (承担职责) for paying people injured in the recentearthquake.

33. Helen was unconscious and _hooked up to a life support machine_. (连接在⽣命⽀持机器上)

34. The term ‘Arts’ usually _refers to humanities and social sciences_. (指的是⼈⽂和社会科学) 35. It is not a good idea tomiss meals and_replace them with snacks_. (⽤点⼼取代⽤餐)

36. _As a result of adverse weather conditions_ (由于不利的天⽓条件), all the flights will be subject to delay

37. The rehabilitation centre aims to _free victims from dependency on drugs_.(使受害者摆脱对药物的依赖)

38. At a height of 25,000 feet, _the lack of oxygen causes headache_(缺氧引起头痛) and dizziness. 39. The young driver_died from the wounds_(死于创伤) that he received in the road accident.

40. Kidney failure and other problems are likely to eventually occur _even if the initial surgery is successful_. (即使最初的⼿术是成功的)四、短⽂翻译

1.科学家们正在研究在医学中利⽤⼲细胞的两种主要⽅式。第1种⽅式涉及到培育可移植来同特定疾病作⽃争的⼲细胞。第2种涉及了解利⽤⾝体⾃⾝提供⼲细胞, ⽤作治疗各种疾病的出发点。

Scientists are investigating two primary approaches to using stem cells in medicine. The first approach involves developingstem cells that could be transplanted to combat a specific disease. The second approach involves learning to use the body’sown supply of stem cells, which could serve as starting points in therapy for a wide variety of medical conditions.


Few freshmen would understand the implication of what the dean said to them at the medical school open-ceremony: “Half ofwhat we teach you here is wrong.” Those who are now attending physicia ns and supervising physicians have a deepunderstanding of that dean's aphorism.



Medical science has advanced far more rapidly in the last half-century than in all of the earlier history.

Advances in medicine are constantly challenging the old knowledge and providing the new for disease prevention andtreatment.



Medicine is forever putting forth, and simultaneously upending, assumptions. The fact that once-controlled infectious

diseases recur and newly-emerging diseases pose new threats to humans shows that our knowledge about disease is farfrom perfect.


Medicine is an evolving and dynamic science and our conceptions about disease today may well be misconceptions twentyyears later. In medicine, therefore, there is no room for any arrogance or hubris.4


Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the genetic material of all cellular organisms and most viruses. DNA carries the informationneeded to direct protein synthesis and replication.

7.1953年美国科学家和英国⽣物物理学家发表了对DNA 结构的最初描述。他们的模型对于理解蛋⽩质合成、DNA 复制和变异都是很重要的。

In 1953 American biochemist and British biophysicist published the first description of the structure of DNA. Their modelproved to be important for the understanding of protein synthesis, DNA replication, and mutation.


Research into DNA has brought about vast influence in medical, ethical, and social realms. Studies of human DNA will

reveal genes that are associated with specific diseases. This information is helping physicians to diagnose various diseases,and it may lead to new treatments.



Despite many benefits offered by DNA technology, some critics argue that its development should be monitored closely.Many people agree that DNA technology offers a mixture of benefits and potential hazards.10.许多专家也赞同,让公众知情能有助于保证明智地利⽤DNA技术。

Many experts also agree that an informed public can help insure that DNA technology is used wisely. 11.⼲细胞是所有⾝体组织的来源,能够⾃⾝复制,或成为构建⼀个⽣物所必需的任何类型的细胞。我们的成长和发展——从单⼀细胞到成熟的成⼈——起源于并由⼲细胞来维持。此外,⼲细胞能为⽣物学研究和医疗提供强⼤的⼯具。

Stem cells, source of all body tissues, can replicate themselves or make any type of cell required to build an organism. Ourgrowth and development—from single cell to mature adult—arises from and is maintained by stem cells. Moreover, stemcells may provide powerful tools for biological research and medical treatment. 12.⼲细胞研究引起了很多争议。很⼤部分争议是围绕着研究中使⽤的⼲细胞的来源。⼀些反对使⽤胚胎⼲细胞的⼈指出科研⼈员可以依靠其他来源。

Stem cells research has stirred considerable controversy. In large part, the controversy revolves around the source of stemcells used in research. Some people who oppose the use of embryonic stem cells point out that scientific investigators couldrely on other sources.


A variety of body tissues—including bone marrow and blood from an umbilical cord—can also provide stem cells. However,no one knows if these tissues produce stem cells that equal embryonic cells in their versatility and thus in their potential fortreating human disease.


transplantation refers to the transfer of a living tissue or organ to an injured or ill person to restore health or reduce disabilityin a recipient.


Since the first successful organ transplant in the mid-1950, great strides have been made in contemporary medicine in itscapability of implanting organs in people who are seriously ill.


At least more than 20 different organs and tissues —such as such as hearts, livers, kidneys, corneas and bone marrow—cannow be successfully transplanted into patients who can then expect to survive for years or even decades.17.当代医学在器官移植⽅⾯取得如此成功,也⾯临着不少挑战。⼀个最⼤问题是器官供体严重不⾜。

While so much progress has been achieved in organ transplantation, contemporary medicine is now faced with a number ofchallenges. The biggest problem is a drastic shortage of organ donors.56

