

2022-04-12 来源:意榕旅游网


每个考生随机抽取一道题目,每道题目是一幅图画,要求他们在准备1分钟后,围绕这幅图画进行一个1分钟的有意义的陈述。注意确保每个考生只有1分钟的准备时间。 (附图)



Topic one: Arguments for or against asking for pocket money from our parents Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a student (positive) 2. From the perspective of a parent (negative)

Topic two: Arguments for or against sending aged parents to nursing homes Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a student (positive) 2. From the perspective of society (negative)

Topic three: Arguments for or against the view that one’s fate is a decisive factor in one’s life Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a person who believes that success depends on human effort (positive)

2. From the perspective of a person who believe in fate (negative)

Topic four: Arguments for or against giving first priority to education in choosing a spouse Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of some girl students (positive) 2. From the perspective of some boy students (negative)

Topic five: Arguments for or against giving first priority to appearance in choosing a spouse Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of some young men (positive) 2. From the perspective of a parent (negative)

Topic six: Arguments for or against volunteering to plant trees Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of local residents (positive) 2. From the perspective of some students (negative)

Topic seven: Arguments for or against volunteering to clean up the school river Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of the school authorities (positive) 2. From the perspective of some students (negative)

Topic eight: Arguments for or against decorating streets with big flower beds Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of some residents (positive) 2. From the perspective of society (negative)

Topic nine: Arguments for or against decorating the lobby of a hotel with real plants and flowers Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a customer (positive) 2. From the perspective of the general manager (negative)

Topic ten: Arguments for or against customers directly confronting shoplifters Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a shop assistant (positive) 2. From the perspective of a customer (negative)

Topic eleven: Arguments for or against choosing a risky profession Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a policeman (positive) 2. From the perspective of a parent (negative)

Topic twelve: Arguments for or against asking a left-handed child to change to right-handedness Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a parent (positive) 2. From the perspective of a left-hander (negative)

Topic thirteen: Arguments for or against installing escalators in every public building Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a disabled person (positive)

2. From the perspective of a member of the local government (negative)

Topic fourteen: Arguments for or against the view that globalization is an effective way to drive off poverty Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a government official (positive) 2. From the perspective of some citizens (negative)

Topic fifteen: Arguments for or against the view that globalization helps solve environmental problems Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of the CEO f a multinational corporation (positive) 2. From the perspective of some students (negative)

Topic sixteen: Arguments for or against the view that a sense of humor can not be cultivated Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a student (positive) 2. From the perspective of another student (negative)

Topic seventeen: Arguments for or against the view that a high sense of humor is the result of a good education Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a student (positive) 2. From the perspective of another student (negative)

Topic eighteen: Arguments for or against enjoying a concert on TV instead of at a music hall Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a student (positive) 2. From the perspective of another student (negative)

Topic nineteen: Arguments for or against watching a football game on TV instead of at a stadium Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of parents (positive) 2. From the perspective of their son (negative)

Topic twenty: Arguments for or against the view that girls face unequal treatment in college enrollment Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a student (positive) 2. From the perspective of an administrator (negative)

Topic twenty-one: Arguments for or against promoting the use of Esperanto as the world’s single language Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a language teacher (positive) 2. From the perspective of society (negative)

Topic twenty-two: Arguments for or against exploring for life on Mars Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of an astronaut (positive) 2. From the perspective of some citizens t (negative)

Topic twenty-three: Arguments for or against the view that aliens exist in outer space Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of a student (positive) 2. From the perspective of another student (negative)

Topic twenty-four: Arguments for or against a ban on nuclear tests Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of environmentalists (positive) 2. From the perspective of people in the military (negative)

Topic twenty-five: Arguments for or against a ban on cloning human beings Perspectives:

1. From the perspective of the general public (positive)

2. From the perspective of some researchers (negative)

