

2022-06-13 来源:意榕旅游网



( )l. Good news! We will _____an English play in our school this evening. A. put up B .Put off C .put on D. put down

( )2. I bought my sister a present, _______she liked it very much. A. and B. but C. so D. because ( )3.---Why not go for a picnic? --- ______. A. Thank you B. Good idea C. No, I won't D. Nothing much

( )4. ---I don't think you can jump that high. ---________, but ten years ago I could. A. Yes, I can B. No, I can C. Yes, I can't D. No, I can't

( )5. Lucy, I'll give you ______to eat today. A. different nothing B. something different C. different something D. anything different ( )6.-- -______I take the book out?

---Yes, but you_____ give it back before next Friday. A. Can, may B. May, must C. May, need D. Must, have to ( )7. I really don't know__________. A. what to do it B. how to do it C. to do what D. how to do

( )8..---Would you like_____ coffee ? ---Yes, ______ cups, please.

A. some more, another two B . another some, more two C .any more, two more D. some more, more two

( )9. This piece of paper is beautiful. But it's too small. Could you give me a big_____?

A. one B. piece C. paper D. it

( )10. I hope you_____ to my party _____next Sunday. A. to come, on B. to come, / C. will come, / D. will come, on

( )11. October 3, 2002 reads_____. A. October three, two thousand and two B. October the three, twenty and two C. October the third, two thousand and two D. October third, twenty and two

( )12. Please put the food in the fridge, or it will__________ bad. A. take B. get C. have D. bring ( )13. ---How is your Chinese, Ann? _______. A. I'm very well B. It's very well C. It's so-so D. It's too hard

( ) 14. ---Good luck with your Chinese. ---_________. A. Thank B. I think so

C. No, I'm not lucky D. Good luck

( ) 15. Li Mu picks ______ corn than___________. A .much more, Jill's B. much more, Jill C. many more, Jill D. very more, Jill's II.完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Mr Smith had a new telephone number. 16 he got it, it was the 17 of a shop. Now the 18 had a new telephone number, but a lot of women didn't know this, so they still 19 the old one. At first, Mr and Mrs Smith always said, \"We are sorry, you have the 20 number. The shop has a new 21 now.\" But some 22 still kept on telephoning them to ask for things. So after some time, Mr and Mrs Smith began to 23 like this: \"Good morning, what do you want us to give today?\"

Because they thought they may stop telephoning them when they didn't get 24 things.. But this doesn't 25 Mr and Mrs Smith, because women began to telephone more and more, they often said angrily(愤慨地), \"Where are my things? \"

( )16. A. Before B. When C. After D. By the time ( )17. A. telephone B. number C. house D. woman ( )18. A. family B. telephone C. shop D. place ( )19. A. wanted B. asked C. got D. used ( )20. A. new B. wrong C. right D. other

( )21. A. room B. it C. one D. that

( )22. A. families B. telephones C. shops D. women ( )23. A. answer B. speak C. tell D. say ( )24. A. his B. our C. her D. their ( )25. A. call B. help C. work D. give III. 阅读明白得(每小题2分,共30分)


Mr. Klip came back to his hometown. Few people knew him. And when he stopped near a short, broken house, he saw an old woman sitting in the sun. She closed her eyes and didn't find there was a man looking at her carefully.

''Aunt,'' Mr. Klip called out, \"Aunt!\"

The old woman didn't believe her nephew (侄子) came to see her. Tears ran down her face(她已泪流满面). Thirty years! When the twelve-year-old boy was always hungry in the small village, he went to the city to find a job. He didn't come back after that. Now he couldn't see his parents any longer.

Mr. Klip had only a week's holiday. He asked some neighbours to repair(修理) the old house. He saw some of his friends and one morning he went to the school. He never forgot Mr. North who often helped him when he got into trouble(陷入逆境 ).

\"Can I see Mr. North, sir?\" he asked an old man at the school gate. \"Oh, sorry, you can't\" answered the man. \"But why? What happened to him?\"' \"He died two years ago! \" 依照短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( )26. Few people knew Mr. Klip because________.

A. he was too old B. he left the village thirty years ago C. his parents died D. he had no friends there ( ) 27. Mr. Klip left his hometown because ________. A. he had no money to go to school B. his parents gave him no money C. he had little food to eat D. he couldn't find any work ( )28. ________, she cried. A. The old woman saw her nephew B. The old woman felt cold

C. The old woman was hungry

D. The old woman lived in a broken house ( )29. Mr. klip had some money, so______. A. he helped his friends B. he could have a long holiday C. he went to see his aunt D. he repaired the school

( )30. Mr. North often helped Mr. Klip, so_________ A. Mr. Klip didn't forget his name B. Mr. Klip had his holiday in the village C. Mr. Klip went to see him D. Mr. Klip thanked him very much


When we talk about Hollywood, we think of films and famous film stars. They're part of Hollywood's history. Today people make films in other places, too. Not all famous film starts live in Hollywood. But Hollywood is still a new special city in Los Angeles, California.

You can easily see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles. There is a big sign(标志) on the hills. It says \"HOLLYWOOD\". The white letters are fifty feet tall. You can see the sign from far away. The Hollywood sign is a famous Hollywood landmark(标记) in Los Angeles. Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmark.

In the hills of Hollywood, there is also the Hollywood Bowl. This is all open-air theatre. It is one of the largest open-air theatres in the world. It has seventeen thousand seats and a very different stage(演奏台). You can listen to all kinds of concerts at the Hollywood Bowl. 依照短文内容,判定下列句子正(T)误(F) . ( )31. Hollywood is one part in Los Angeles.

( )32. The word \"special\" in the last sentence of the first paragraph means \"famous \".

( )33. You can't see the white letters \"Hollywood\" from far away. ( )34. Hollywood Bowl is an open-air theatre.

( )35. It seems(看起来) that some famous film stars don't choose(选择) to live in Hollywood.


依照时刻表的内容,选择正确答案。 Timetable Stop Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 4 ( )36. How many stops are there between the Ferry and the Market? A.5. B.6. C.7. D.8.

( )37. How often does the bus get to the Old Street? A. Every half an hour. B. Every twenty minutes. C. Every ten minutes. D. Every forty minutes.

( ) 38. At what time does Bus 4 arrive at (到达) the Playground? A. Seven fifty-five B. Eight o'clock C. A quarter past eight D. Ten past eight

( ) 39. Wang Hua's home is near the park. And she works in the hospital. It is quite near the bus stop, only three minutes' walk. She must reach the hospital at eight o'clock. Which bus will she take? A. The first bus B. The second bus C. The third bus D. The fourth bus

( ) 40. Every Sunday I take the first bus to the Park. There I can do some sports. After that, I must go to the Market. I want to do some shopping there. The market is open from seven thirty lo eight thirty. At most(最多) how long can I stay in the park?

A. Half an hour B. An hour. C. An hour and a half D. No answer




7:30 7:40 7:55 8:00 --- 8:10 8:30 8:40 7:00 7:10 7:25 7:30 7:35 7:40 8:00 8:10 6:30 6:40 6:55 7:00 7:05 7:10 -- 7:30 Ferry 6:00 Old Street 6:10 6:25 Park New Street 6:30 6:35 6:40 7:00 7:10 Hotel Playground Hospital Market 41. The farmers g______ wheat in autumn.

42. Go a ________ this street and you'll find it at the end.

43. He has a good m___ and he can remember all our telephone numbers. 44. It's too cold outside. You'd better put on your w____ coat before you go out.

45. The t _______ s very high and people like to stay in the cool rooms. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整与通顺。 46. The _____(twenty) question is very difficult to answer.

47. My grandpa lives in the village and knows much about ______(farm) 49. It's a ______ (use) dictionary. Why not buy one for yourself? 49. I ______(real) hate the bad young man.

50. The girl turned to her mother and said, \"See you_____ (late), mom! \" C)依照句意用适当的单词填空,使句子通顺、完整与正确。 5l. Farmers are busy in autumn because it is ______time.

52. She is good at learning _________. She can speak English, French and Japanese.

53. There was an _______ in the street. A car hit an old man. 54. December is the _______ month of the year.

55. Sam and Katy got________ in 1985. The next year they had a baby. V. 补全对话(每空1分,共10分)


Eric: Oh, it's half past seven. Its _________(56) to go to school. Elsa: Why! Don't you_______(57) it's Saturday today?

Eric: Really? I_______(58) it was Friday. So we don't need to go to school. What are you going to do this weekend? Elsa: I have no_______(59). What about you?

Eric: I'm going to help Uncle Li. He has a farm. He can't ______(60) aU the apples in his garden.

Elsa: You mean Xiao Wu's uncle? I remember we helped him last autumn. Eric: You're______(61). He has more apples this year. So he needs more help. But only he and I can't do all the work.

Elsa: I see. Max and Lin Zhou are_______(62). They're glad to go there, I think.

Eric: Well. Let's go and tell them about it.

Elsa: Why not call them? So we can_______(63) some time.

Eric: OK. You'd better go home and tell your parents what we're going to do. Elsa: Let me call them, too. I'm sure they'll_______(64) with me. Eric: That's great! Look. The________(65) is over there. VI. 句型转换(每小题1分,共10分) A)按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。

66. She is writing a New Year's card to her teacher. (改为一样今后时) She ________ __________ a New Year's card to her teacher. 67. Jill and John did their homework last night. (改为一样疑问句)。 ____ Jill and John ____ their homework last night?

68. The workers will finish the work next week. (就划线部分提问). ______ will the workers _______ next week? 69. That mountain is very beautiful. (改为感叹句) ______ ______ beautiful mountain it is!

70. The twins were never late for school last term. (改为反意疑问句) The twins were never late for school last term, ______ ______? B)依照上句改写下句,使上下句意思相同或相近,每空一词。 71. How is the weather today?

_______ the weather _______ today?

72. They will have a meeting at eight forty-five. They will have a meeting at a______ to ______. 73. His daughter is ten years old.

His daughter ______ ______ ten years ago. 74. Summer is hotter than the other three seasons. Summer is the ______of the______ seasons. 75. The meeting did not stop when I left.\" The meeting______ ______ when I left. VII.改错(每小题2分,共10分)


76. You must answer my question with English. A B C D ( )_________

77. We will go to the Great Wall if it will be fine tomorrow. A B C D ( )_________

78. Tell your father help you with your homework. A B C D ( )_________

79. You'd better not to talk too much at breakfast. A B C D ( )_________

80. The little girl has not time to play with her friends. A B C D ( )_________



In the evening, sleep, hot, tell, go down, live, in winter or spring, new, hate , sunny

Each of us often sees the sun. Parents and teachers_____(81) the children the sun comes up in the east. All people like it in winter, but someone______(82) it in summer. Do you knew plants(植物) and people can't_______(83) without(没有) the sun?

Everyone knows we can't see things clearly______(84). The sun is very bright. Light from the sun makes us see things. Its light also makes grass and trees grow. Most people are happy when it's ________(85). People like to go for a picnic or go hiking in the sun.

The sun is very______(86). It makes our air warm. Then we feel warm. We often see some old people sit in the sun _______(87). But we can't stay in the sun long, or it may burn(灼伤) our skin(皮肤).

When the day is over, the sun_______(88). It is night. People and most animals begin to______(89). The next morning the sun comes up. It is bright again. A_______ (90) day comes and people begin their work.


I. l-5 C A B D B 6-10 B B A BC 11-l5 C B C A B II. 16-20 A B C D B 21-25 C D A D B

III. 26-30 B C A C C 31-35 T T F T T 36-40 B C D A B

IV. A)4l. grow 42. along 43. memory 44. warm 45. temperature 46. twentieth 47. farming 48. useful 49. really 50. later C)5 l. harvest 52. language 53. accident 54. twelfth 55. married

V. 56. time 57. know 58. thought 59. idea 60 .pick 61. right 62. free 63 .save 64. agree 65. telephone

VI. A) 66. will write 67. Did, do 68. What, do 69. What a 70. were they 71. What's, like 72. quarter, nine 73. was born 74. hottest, four 75. went on VII. 76. D→in 77. C→is 78. B→ to help 79.B→去掉 to 80. B→no VIII. 81. tell 82 .hates 83. live 84. in the evening 85. sunny 86. hot 87. in winter or spring 88. goes down 89. sleep 90. new IX. (One possible version)

Yesterday Bob got up at half past seven. After a quick break- fast, he went to school with his friend at a quarter to eight. He had four classes in the morning. At about half past twelve, he had lunch at school with his class-mates. After school he went back home. He did his homework first. Then at half past eight he began to play computer games. After that he went to bed.

